Life doesn't come with a handbook, and we often go through this journey completely ignoring the signs.
Why are we so afraid to feel yet get so caught up in our thoughts?
What does it really mean to be emotionally healthy?
Why does living an abundant life, free from anxiety and depression, feel like such a foreign way of life?

Are positive affirmations not working? Are you finding yourself in one "toxic relationship" after the other?
Despite all your attempts to "manifest the life of your dreams" are you feeling unfulfilled?
We have the answer.... The only way out, is through, so let us take you through....

In this exclusive online short course, you will be introduced to Self Directed Healing and explore the first steps into the modality. You will start the journey by learning some of its most powerful techniques and be given the tools so you can live a life where you actually get to be HAPPY!

The Power of Self Directed Healing Online Course
One time

Explore Self Directed Healing on your own schedule through this introductory short course. For the first time ever the fundamentals of SDH are now exclusively available online in a 6 part video course. What's included: 6 video modules with Claire M Besley. Bonus material & resources. The practical steps necessary to start living life to the fullest. Lifetime access to stream from your computer, phone or tablet. Start now and get access to imperative knowledge to achieve emotional mastery.


  • Linda Nelson

    “ WOW, this course was so much more than I expected. Anybody who chooses to be self-empowered and not to have their life controlled by their own negative feelings and beliefs must do this course. Claim your emotional freedom, do Claire's course and book a healing session you will not regret it. “

  • Sarah Wellington

    “ I loved that I could do this course, at my own pace. Such a valuable and empowering experience, I can’t wait to do the practitioner training next. “

  • Jac Jean

    “ This woman is something else. Claire thank you for sharing your wisdom and honesty throughout my practioner training. I could not be a more proud team member and in support your vision of changing the world by healing one person at a time. “